BIS in Individualized Study

The BIS program offers you a distinctive opportunity to complete your degree.

BIS has a flexible curriculum: As a BIS student you create an interdisciplinary concentration to meet your own educational needs.

BIS has mechanisms for translating nontraditional academic experiences into credit: As a BIS student you will be able to integrate your previous experiences into university course work.

Through the BIS degree, you can advance professionally, prepare for graduate or professional school, or position yourself for a career change. The advisers and faculty are committed to helping you build on your life experience to create a satisfying and rewarding degree program.


All students have opportunities to

  • conduct independent research
  • engage in globally-related activities through coursework and language study at Mason and abroad
  • participate in many forms of public service
  • prepare for their future careers through internships, career-focused minors and other college-to-career activities